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Ben Bigger
VA: 孟祥龙
I'm kind of a math nerd, but that doesn't
stop me from beating on some thugs.
Heavy Industries

Strong Body & Honest Soul

Those paws could shatter bones, luckily they're busy tapping away on a calculator.

Has His Fish and Eats It Too

Finds an easy ballance between fighting thugs with his pillar on the battlefield and returning to accounting at the times of peace... The only thing that could make it all better is a jar of caviar.

Fuzzy Fur, No Fuzzy Math

Naturally sensitive to all things numerical, he's careful in his bookkeeping, and has memorized all 58 account ledgers in his office.

Repays Recognition With Loyalty

After 1 year and 321 days of employment, Koleda promoted him to Head of Finance, and he's followed her faithfully ever since.