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Zenless Zone Zero's Tuning Test Starts on August 5th!
Zenless Zone Zero >

Distinguished Proxy,

Thank you for you patience, Zenless Zone Zero's Tuning Test will officially start on August 5th!

▍Test Start Time: 2022/08/05 10:00 (UTC+8)

▍Test End Time: To be announced later. Follow official news for more info.

▍Recruitment End Time:

The recruitment will end on 2022/07/27 at 23:59 (UTC+8). The sign-up survey on our official website will be closed at that time, so remember to fill out the survey before the deadline. Please stay tuned for official announcements on test qualification issuance.

>>Tuning Test Recruitment<<

▍Test Type: Limited-account closed beta. No payment options will be available, and all data and progression will be deleted when the test ends.

▍Available on: PC and iOS

▍About the Tuning Test:

This test is Zenless Zone Zero's first small-scale Tuning Test. Zenless Zone Zero is still in the development stage, and as such, content found in the beta test does not represent the final quality. Thank you for your support and understanding.

More details:

>> Zenless Zone Zero Tuning Test Sign-Up Announcement <<

>> Tuning Test Sign-Up Event Notes & FAQ <<